and now


當希微的刪節號走到夏至 夢境 鏡像打樣 晶體模板嵌入 恰是 透明塵土 底片般曬放藍圖 靜白的早晨 躬身入調 溫度的密度再度認為 宇宙僅僅是不過是打了個嗝。 躡 軌跡移動 種子可能的境遇 是時間的注入 無須旅行 在塵世之物上練習 知曉。 僅僅是個歸途中的掠想卻在現實中逐次滑入邊境之流

 [17] THE CAUSAL BODY (The Egoic Lotus)  ..In considering the causal body (this “Temple of the Soul”)
17 因果体/灵魂莲花  這個"靈魂的聖殿"

The Soul Invocation

  • New Reality of Light
    " The way of access to the fifth dimension is via your Heart Center. The location of the Light Matrix of the Soul. Sovereignty, discernment, deja vu, intuition, wisdom, gifts and talents, and merging with your Divine Blue print starts here, at the Heart Center. "

    「 進入第五維度的途徑是通過你的心輪中心。靈魂之光矩陣的位置。而主權、洞察力、似曾相識感、直覺、智慧、天賦和才能,與你的神聖藍圖融合從這裡開始, 在心輪中心。」

    " The cycles of the old frequencies on Earth are coming to an end. As these old energies leave the world, room is created for higher light to anchor itself in the physical. You are to see many more events transpire just ahead, for it is time for the light and life to thrive on Earth in the way it was originally intended."
    " That is all for today."

and now,
love and joy!

" The factor which will produce increasing integration between the soul and the personality […] is the attainment of the power to love with purity, with no sense of distinction, and with that love which the Eternal One shows – "

" And my brother, be happy. Learn to feel joy – "


alignment with zero point energy

