



  ° ll I Am the Soul I Am Divine Light I Am Divine Love I Am Divine Will I Am Divine Design,  The Soul ° Now, in the name of Source, in the name of I AM Presence of eternal light.  We  * “ May the Light be Victorious in a Unified Sphere of Oneness. ” Free Energy, Healing Technology, Pyramids and The Torus 自由能源、療癒技術、金字塔和環面 from The Golden Age Goddess ° "The Spinal Columns are tuning us into our Cosmic Self and indeed Mother Earth back into the Cosmic Fray where she truly belongs." --Judith Kusel Lord Melchizedek: The Great Awakening ll ° “True Ones live in the Expanded HERE and NOW. They are always in RIGHT TIME – RIGHT SPACE” 11:11 °   The Sisterhood of the Rose    Remembrance of the ancient ways 聖杯與薔薇聖女團 ° ° ° ll ° 佛陀&彌勒佛&孔子&老子及相關 ° the shamanic great goddess of China 西王母 ° 天仙子 blissful path to bliss  - 通往幸福 - 遠了 近了的 ° “ONE BEING IN ACTION is a new level of shared responsibility, where we put our individual talents together as ON...


dear we

a flight spot

and now

終究 |ultimo

夏至之冥思|being lost in thought

then in that one moment of time